Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How To Make A Shower Curtain Sail

Appeal of the European Federalists Pierluigi Bersani, secretary of the Democratic Party

"You'll have you raising boys and raising them in accordance with those values \u200b\u200bin which we believed
should realize their duties towards themselves, towards the family ... to the country, is called
Italy or Europe it's called" George
Ambrosoli his wife Annaloro

Dear Secretary,

militants As the European Federalist Movement, founded by Spinelli, and politically close to the Democratic Party, we observe with concern the uncertainty more evident, now also reported in the press on the cultural identity and historical roots of a party that intends to revitalize and perpetuate the values \u200b\u200bof the constitutional pact with which our Republic was founded, gathering around this objective, the largest possible number of voters. The PD does not seem to adequately reflect - even if recent initiatives appear as first signs of recovery - or the project that it intends to propose to assert its leadership, nor political-cultural legacy which should be the bearers of its components.

As you know, the Democratic Party was born in October 2007 as a new entity, and therefore aims to introduce an element of transformation in the national policy framework, partly in response to the so-called Second Republic, and partly to complete the
process of adaptation to the absence of opposition the Cold War, following the collapse of communism.

The new party, referring to U.S. experiences and models and at the same time perpetuating notions of democracy are shared by the heirs of the Christian Democrats more sensitive to social issues, is the so-called secular democracy and yet by the former leaders and activists of the Italian Communist Party considered in its originality and specificity compared to the Soviet regime, intended to unite into one political entity with conviction heirs of the resistance forces and anti-in opposition to more effectively deploy in moderate to essentially populist and ideologically composite, assembled under the leadership of an entrepreneur made man State a lump of interests far away from the collective.

This forward-looking design, completed the happy experience of a dialogue between the laity and believers engaged politically in one of the most significant post-war Italy, certainly introduced an element of clarity, the protection of the principles of legality and consistent under pressure to reform political, firstly proposes to bring in strict compliance with the Constitution, the patterns of the exercise of power and representation to those in Western countries more secure democratic tradition, while protecting the disadvantaged sections of the population, along with the values rooted in the egalitarian culture of the people's parties.

Based on this approach by relying on personality and more culturally involved with this vision, not surprisingly largely descendants of the concepts of Spinelli, the Democratic Party pointed in the concrete to ensure a serious and reliable operation of government, although opposed by both the fragmentary rivendicazionismo residual aggregations of the Left party, whether by persistent internal conflict, due, as well as personal rivalries, the components of the Incomplete reconciliation that gave birth to the new party.

In fact, an inadequacy of the same background residing in the political project of the Democratic Party when this, in the state power grid alternative to the promoter of the Second Republic, ended up crediting it as a legitimate democratic antagonist, whereas in the downhill rider in the field of emerging Arcore always elements of unacceptable distortion of the principles, values \u200b\u200band the rule of law created by the republican constitution, from which elements would be essential before or later release.

On closer inspection, the Democratic Party had called to offer itself as a factor rather than the aggregation of all the heirs of the Constitution quarantottesca that crystallization of the contrast between two teams, one of which was not fully compatible with the spirit and precepts of the founding paper of the Republic. She lacked quell'idem of public hearing on which, regardless of party distinctions, are the basis of legitimate statehood and shared. Moreover, were the facts, even recently, to demonstrate both the need for the Democratic Party to join forces as long as several animated by quell'idem feel the bottom, is the opportunity to take the lead in the same line-moderate, converging towards the center, is evidence consistent with the postwar republican traditions, even if it was separated in time by the Democratic Party, that the process of reaffirmation of the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof Italy has given invaluable impetus dall'antifascismo born.

Unfortunately, this vocation, that is to be heartland of full adaptation of Italian democracy Western models of operation - in the context of the balance of the constitutional charter, real act of re-foundation of the Italian state after the tragedy of fascism - the Democratic Party, once ousted (ousted?) by the government, ended up giving gradually increasing in size ( except the recent encouraging initiatives set out in the beginning, however, still focused on alliances, coalitions and electoral reform, rather than on programs and issues of identity).

the strategic vision has been replaced as fact: you want a politics of the day to day, designed to accommodate the occasional guidelines of the electorate, often measured with logic and television opinion polls, want the aspiration - however not without justification, though, to date, not paying too much - get closer to the dynamics of conflict between European social democracy and liberal-conservative liberal, you still want the desire of the individual leaders of the Democratic Party to perpetuate their positions of power (political and cultural traditions, electorates consolidated network of sections and related infrastructure, economic realities are connected). And this even at the cost of re-legitimation attacking the leadership, came back in command, or to put to wide margins of the electorate components, which are essential to achieving a majority consensus, which was then the original goal had been set up in the party itself.

The example and message Altiero Spinelli. A key resource

Objectively, one of the reasons for the inadequacy of concepts and projects is in many ways the failure to implement a complete rethink of its history by the former communist part of the Democratic Party, which has come to perpetuate the old absence without a radical revision of ideas - to accompany the development of a new founding manifesto - already evident in the days of Enrico Berlinguer, despite the substantial membership of the Republican party for democracy and the course taken by the then secretary of the Communist Party. A reluctance confermatasi clearly when it was decided to wait for the collapse of Soviet communism before the party would change its name. Even today we can see a reluctance to distance himself from the errors in detail repeated far too long, both in terms of adherence to communism in itself, is of fundamental political choices, including, determining not only the opposition Fifty years to the European Communities, but also to the European Monetary System in the late seventies, which was ousted from the party for a long time, the management of Italian politics.

In these circumstances, although an understandable sense of loyalty to their militancy, the awareness of the sacrifices and contribution in the complex offered to Italian democracy, the psychological resistance to dissolve its assets and organizational endowments, some degree of sectarianism have contradictorily combined to prevent the development of a renewed political project of a general nature that can, among other things, also to enhance the traditions of democratic socialism and reformist Italian, heirs of the first and second International that can not be forgotten or erased from the memory of the Italian progressive movement. It seems really confusing, in fact, that great emblematic figures, from the same Garibaldi, president of the Congress of peace, human rights and the European federation, which met in Geneva in 1867, Filippo Turati, Joseph E. Modigliani, Claudio Treves, Eugenio Colorni, Carlo Rosselli, Pietro Nenni himself and many others prove totally ignored. And the same can be said of the secular and democratic thought, played by Giuseppe Mazzini, Carlo Cattaneo, Gaetano Salvemini by Francesco Saverio Nitti, Ernesto Rossi, Ugo La Malfa and many more, which does not give due recognition. Yet, without a history of honor and shared no political force and no state can truly be called such.

Unfortunately, what emerges from the Democratic Party today is the reconciliation of acrobatics: a) the reluctance former communist, who end up creating a vacuum in his past, limited to a maximum of hidden charges to pay allegiance to figures such as Togliatti or to enter into the cauldron of their references (see a recent manifest with a hundred holy) different personalities, from De Gasperi to Kennedy, Gandhi, but not, say, or Spinelli Colorni, or even to take possession of mass-media mythologies of ancestry U.S. Democrats, who have always made prize , at least among the youth of the postwar generation, on the veneration of the empyrean-Stalinist Soviet b) the increasing marginalization of former Christian Democrats left and committed Catholics, convinced that they share with former enemies - the end always admired, but in fact widely unrelated to training, experiences, memories, organization - the sense of dedication to the democratic, republican and popular social c) the prominence of those who remain attached tenacious defense of the secretive and tradition of the "assets" accumulated over time, in turn, undermined by those who prefer a full conversion to the model of the Democratic Party and alternating feature U.S., without much to reflect on their past without too investigate the nature that comes to jest without much exaggeration as Demago-pluto-escort-mafionica, no less than clerical-business-mediasettica, their main antagonists, d) intake, in itself positive, but that the risk to youth, to renew leadership and slogans focusing on how to master simple renewal of the old generator is exceeded and crystallization of a broader consensus among the general public, despite the general aging of the population and a reflection of the voting citizens.

Now, it seems to us that the search for a general plan and at the same time the emergence of a historical roots of democratic and constitutional tradition in our country, which remains essential for society to emancipate itself from the ephemeral and confront the enormous emergency of this, should first be submitted through the full assimilation of the proposal as political and cultural Spinelli - the building of democratic European federation (the European Union and Italy in it) - because of his experience as a militant, lived as a precursor to ' interior of the history of popular movements and anti-fascists.

Young Communist leader jailed by the regime back in '27 and kept in prison until '43, the future hero of the first European Parliament elected by universal suffrage in 1979 he became a prison in depth review of the fundamentals of Marxism and communism to come to propose Ventotene in the now famous Manifesto, written in substantial counterpoint with the Manifesto of 1848, the replacement of the principle of class struggle with that of the excess of the absolute sovereignty of states and the establishment, by a method of forming, the European federal democracy. This solution would have been able, as demonstrated by historical fact, still taking place, to ensure permanent peace, freedom, development and welfare of workers in an incomparably higher than the so-called real socialism, the communist regime or that you want to define it.

Without going into a thousand details, the participation of European Resistance to Spinelli, the foundation in August of '43, along with the European Federalist Movement of anti-personality of the highest caliber, his firm choice of the Western (but still opposed to any U.S. hegemonic projects) during the Cold War, his tireless dedication to the cause of democratic European federation, and, - remarkable for Europe, agreed with Enrico Berlinguer at the suggestion of Giorgio Amendola - his election as independent in the lists of the Communist Party, both at Rome and in Strasbourg (with the goal of transforming the European assembly in a constituent, but at the same time put at the service of a federal cause of the notorious, undeniable dedication of the Communists Italian), describe an arc exemplary political and existential. A wonderful and safe trajectory that confirms the existence of a guiding virtue, albeit with different delays and awareness within the labor movement and democratic Italian, of which we can not and should not be forgotten.

Not only because the commitment to building democratic institutions in Europe, with Italy leading role, was one of the most important factors for dialogue and sharing of general - think of the cooperation with Spinelli De Gasperi, Nenni with with Berlinguer - between foreground elements of the various political heirs of the Resistance. So much so that it can be said that the Democratic Party is now the reference point and meeting more natural for people coming from that history and common sense that the future of their people, of all the peoples of Europe and the world, with a view progress of humanity and the person, equality and peace, which is the common substance of values \u200b\u200bof popular movements of our country and beyond it. No company

democratic politics, moreover, can live on simple management of the existing, or on the satisfaction of occasional instances of the electorate, while refusing to propose a simple mission of a general nature which constitutes an asset, a factor of progress for the entire human society. For Ventotene Manifesto, written with Ernesto Rossi and Eugenio Colorni in collaboration with - and not coincidentally tirelessly exploited by our President - the democratic European federation is, in fact, first and eminently, a goal of superior civilization in world history.

To be fair, it should also be noted that the last Spinelli, who was even in defending the validity and reliability of European choice the Communist Party, had taken over against him a sense of disappointment at the failure provided the contribution to the initiative launched by our constituent "Ulysses" (his nom de guerre significant, between Homer and Dante) and targeted to 'establishment of a comprehensive European Union, then partially established by the Treaty of Maastricht. One who is officially in the European ranks among the Fathers of Europe complained that the PCI inclined rather to its cautious entry into the "normality" of European social democracy, rather than to embrace the very concept of federalism, that is what made political thought developed in Ventotene as an alternative to Marxism and deemed capable of producing effects far more revolutionary in practice it. It might have been too naive

ancient leader of the Leninist FGCI trained at school, but in his view the PCI could not understand the need to finally devote his energies to the new case, prophetically identified by a communist like him already in the the hardest of fascism and deemed likely to have become the primary policy objective of a fully democratic political movement: a movement eager, of course, not to adapt to the "game" in a national context of alternate static, but to give life to jump culture, innovation, quality decisive as outlined just above. The PCI continued instead obsessively to oscillate between past and present, East and West, between mythology and reality, between inside and feel out feel, abdicating their duty to give an overview and a political project of proper breathing.

personally remain convinced that the "provocation" of Spinelli, but tinged with a certain solipsism of its precursors, remains more relevant today than ever, especially considering that at this stage of implosion-deconstruction of the political system of the so-called Second Republic Democratic Party, along with the political forces linked to the constitutional heritage, is called precisely to propose a political plan for large-scale and not only envisage a regular alternation in the solution of individual problems addressed in the space of a legislature.

A pact with the Europeans

Well, this design is focused precisely on the overall policy goal of the project of unifying Europe by federal countries and political forces willing to give to the people and institutions representing the European constitution. And this not only for the suggestion or not the objective in itself, objectively virtuous and charming, but also for the awareness, all spinelliana, but already rooted in the Risorgimento, the Italian national interest in identifying and building of the European federal democracy, and the Italian vocation to exercise a role mediation and momentum in that direction.

The recent events show how the international financial crisis has benefited the economic strength of our country that there is a European institutional framework, while the pressure of globalization on production systems without fear of a tightening of conditions for workers, unless there is a ' appropriate area of \u200b\u200bstatehood in a position to protect the most threatened sectors of society, while ensuring the overall efficiency of business environment in which the investor's order to offset the benefits of relocation and to withstand international competition. No less important is to promote this area of \u200b\u200bstatehood to avoid, as already happens in our country, that the real or perceived demands of international competition impose hegemony on the producer-sellers of consumer-workers as to extend the workday or excessively penalizing the birth rate and families, lowering the wages of Young people and social protection, and even threatening to dismiss women on maternity leave.

Now that these goals are achievable in a purely national illusion denounced by time and obvious to most people, beyond the fact that the major European countries were able to partially protect themselves from the devastating social effects of globalization. They can defend themselves the other due to their status as relative strength and also to the existence of a single European market is often regarded as the "backyard" but not because they can afford to aspire to a return to absolute sovereignty, as demonstrated by the recent concessions with a view the creation of a European system of management-control of finance and economy, despite initial claims to the contrary, spoken in the name of national virtuosity.

Equally evident is therefore the fact that our country, certainly not without evidence of structural weakness, they will perform to new and perhaps the most impressive economic and financial crises, as well as attacks on the welfare state, only if the Union European - or at least its core more coherent, to which Italy must be absolutely share - will be able to proceed towards a real economic union, to be attached to that money, which is equipped with the means not only political and institutional defense of 'exists, but also promote investment, research and technological innovations. A Union, in other words, empowered to play an active role in strategic sectors, if not to propose a model of the knowledge society, the widespread production, the protection of the person to imitate the international context.

To achieve this, however, namely because it can be kind of a pact between the Federal Contracting it is imperative that there is not only the determination of political awareness and to the task, but also a relationship of trust between those parties, a foedus based on strict compliance with the law, the rules established and agreed procedures, as well as the sharing of ideas of democracy. Equally evident is in this context that Berlusconi's Italy, which appears every day in its nature, the business-illegal because of contamination from unbearable conflicts of interest and pitfalls to the constitutional power of the judiciary, if not the Constitution itself, does not meet the basic requirements under which the potential, vital partners in the process Federal authorities are willing to cede more sovereignty to common institutions. Indeed, it constitutes an objective, very considerable impediment. The

that, even taking into account the inevitable particularistic self-interest of every national society, it is understandable and justified: the feeling of a possible deterioration of the legality of the democratic system at this point become largely federal, and therefore less controllable by a single country, would lead a growing disaffection of citizens towards the EU institutions and of democracy itself, with effects that our everyday experience feels now, in our way, as a devastating and unacceptable.

Europe, therefore, no longer apply to our country as a pure external influences and capable of inducing good behavior inside. On the contrary must become active and the commitment, under which the national picture is transformed into parallel and consciously driving the common factor in an exemplary construction, now increasingly required to act as partners in the rest of the world.

You may also recognize that the current management of Italian public finances, with the expected competition in the League, has prevented the degeneration of the accounts of the country which was profiled in the previous governments of the right hand, when the euro and Europe were often denigrated and held up as the cause of socio-economic ills. However, the exercise of discipline, given the impossibility under the € (ie external influences), the inflationary nature of interventions in order to balance the budget on the basis of lots of employment or investment has been substantially performed by spending cuts more often from the sectors most dependent driving and productive, rather than a painful act of transfer of resources from productive sectors to parasites. Neither of course was pursued by a relentless, yet prudent, containment, tax evasion, and we proceeded to liberalization (do not forget about some so-called "package Bersani ") are areas protected by corporate laws. That this action was carried out of others countries - primarily in the fundamental domain of refinancing education and research, despite the crisis - and that it is above all less costly if carried out in a context of stimulating investment in the Union.

It requires, in substance, part of our country, the urgency of a "pact with the Europeans," by which the progress of the integration would be exchanged for: a ) a bold reorganization of public finances, combined with the revival of productivity and investment, b) an ironclad commitment to amend the peninsula from the notes and the organizational deficiencies unacceptable aspects of illegality and crime - including the presence of offenders and suspects, sometimes even to the Mafia, in parliament or in government - which still prevent the Italian company to be accepted fully in the vanguard of the western world and reap the benefits brought about by, themselves and for other EU countries.

In the face of continuous self-injurious and introverted personalistic bickering between the political forces, the commitment of national redemption, the nature of the Risorgimento and neoresistenziale, made in the coincidence of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy and offered the whole of Europe , is the only one capable of giving the political party that intends to propose and pursue the authority and justification to act with absolute determination on the current shortcomings of the country, with a view to the completion of the construction of Italian democracy in the very moment when it becomes the indispensable achievement leading European political unity. Experience shows, moreover, as the Italians at the time called upon to pay the fee called for Europe to join the single currency but are available to the sacrifices and selflessness, when placed in perspective generous and patriotic healthily.

But this is only one side of the coin. The other, more flattering and encouraging, is that the leaders of our country, in the decades after the war, were able to perform a shrewd job of promoting European integration and mediation between the major stakeholders, which has proved on numerous occasions as an indispensable and decisive. Think, for example, beyond the contribution of Spinelli recalled, distant Messina Conference of 1955, or the determination with which the EU governments signed treaties despite the opposition of economic and industrial environments, or the European Council in Milan in June 1985, or the events of the Treaty of Union policy and EU economic and monetary union (Maastricht Treaty) and you will have confirmation of this valuable contribution, also readily recognized in the European Union.

To achieve this, however, needed a deep knowledge the principles, mechanisms and the logic of European integration, where today there is a profound indifference to these aspects, as can be seen by the absence of references to the EU (which also share a currency and a single market and more) in programmatic interventions, even very recent, many political leaders, from Marchiani errors appeared on the most reliable national press regarding the European Union, repeatedly confused with the Council of Europe, or the lack of any realistic debate on issues such as the effects of capital 'EU enlargement. Only by way of example, is struggling to infinity, albeit dimly, the federal interior, with its threats of separatism, ignoring In the meantime, the alleged proliferation of sovereign states - Spinelli topic too - in the Balkans or elsewhere ends to deform more and more institutional arrangements of the Union, creating a real imbalance between Europe and Europe insidious form.

If it were not for the alarm raised by the German Constitutional Court (and ignored in Italy) on the occasion of the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon, who would have noticed that the specific gravity of the vote of an Italian or German for the European Parliament that is amazingly less than that of recent recruits to the EU, also going to be achieved, with further deformation is unacceptable, from a real powder of other nationalities? And this is not a necessary, reflection necessary to protect legitimate national interests, as well as dell'irrinunciabile democratic principle "one man, one vote"? Or you prefer to continue with the "many states, many command posts" to the point that almost everyone would agree that the Po Valley, or south, or all regions of the beautiful country became independent? At the very least, the seats reserved for Italians would be multiplied, together with the right of veto on key issues of the Union, still granted by the Treaty of Lisbon to the individual states and small states.

short, volersene accountability, and to speak on the policy agenda, perhaps an opportunity for a serious debate on the centrality of the question for Europe and vigorous policy initiatives in this regard we would certainly, perhaps even asking about the operation of the new structure of European foreign policy and the role of Italian in it, which is clearly less compelling (provincialism?, yes, at least) than any minutiae of domestic policy news .

In short, the issues it raised and the general needs of Italian society, a member of the founding core of the European Union, require the emergence of a political party determined not to consent to short the first of its objectives, in view of employment of power and sottopotere, but to act as an advocate of long-term changes and enlightened emancipation social and cultural identity as their best and deepest of all the popular movements inspired by democratic.

There is no doubt that the violence of the momentous twentieth-century history, the scene of aggressive ambitions of national statehood, have also led to excessive reactions in the labor movement and totalitarian raising the minds of the masses and suggesting solutions implacable as a response to the inevitable conflict pursued by governments did not hesitate to sacrifice millions of lives for their hegemonic designs. Today, however, is time to look with serenity and even self-criticism to what happened, at the same time enhancing the heritage of sacrifice, values, intellectual elaborations, the spirit of peace and emancipation of tensions expressed by the democratic movements and offering young people and the whole public opinion of the indispensability of a vision of universal progress in so many ways that spends more than ever about the prospects indicated by the precursor Spinelli , a joint part for his ever open to working with secular and Catholic anti-fascism "adult", to which we owe so much in the story of our democratic country.

This project must be pursued in a realistic and concrete, saying, first, the centrality of culture, science and the law in any real action to progress, but also, no less important, enhancing the public institutions (local, national and international!), which locations to protect the rights of citizenship (widespread education, employment, health, welfare) and investment for the intervention of collective interest. The democratic state, its various levels, it should not be understood as an apparatus above society but as a place of freedom of expression and the spirit of community. All these elements are a prerequisite for ensuring the same positive effects of market economy and private economic initiative - now extended to the global dimension - without subordinating man and society in search of profit as the only value, domain replete with monopolies and sovereign entities, the unconditional discretion of the owners of capital.

A program for Italy European

On this basis, therefore, can be worked out a political program, set in our opinion on the following priority areas. At the institutional level

Europe is essential to promote, involving universities, academics, opinion leaders, a thorough survey on the current set-up following the Lisbon agenda in order to arrive at a clear definition, first in terms of legal principles, the nature of this attitude, as commisto intergovernmental elements, functionalists and federalists, and whether it may be acceptable in the long run, or require prompt reforms that can ensure a strong legitimacy to the executive, legislative and judiciary in the first place. What credibility will, for example, a Court of Justice consists of one judge from each member country to the point that soon the reality of comparatively small ex-communist boast a majority of judges in it? Further we promote emphasized the unsustainability of the situation. And do not you run the risk, again, claimed that the Council more democratic legitimacy than the European Parliament, as the first protection The report is the second-best population, while excluding the opposition from her womb? Certainly its current president is already defined as the real economic governance of the EU. In short, continue to delight even the witty joke to which the EU would be a hermaphrodite, and as such we must keep it, no longer convinces even the authors of that joke.

is confirmed in other words the urgency of a proper legal and political debate, to be accomplished with the help of all political parties and intellectuals of the EU in the context of a European public space, which is finally time to build adequate tools debate, communication and advertising, thanks to the use of new technologies.

In economic terms, just a great seriousness and determination of the Union may allow components, first, the accreditation of the proposal made by the European Commission and rejected by the staffs, in view of the EU's own resources through the introduction of European tax levies . In addition, a European investment to boost the economy and to move towards a model of sustainable development can be financed by issuing bonds of Union, as has been proposed several times in the past and has recently been supported also by the President Barroso in his Report on the State of the Union. On the other hand, the recent decision of the ECOFIN to set a budget session condensed Europe in the first half, while useful in view of better coordination of fiscal policies of member states, is certainly not able to overcome the limitations of the method of coordination has often occurred in the past. In fact, in the absence of a European power, each state will still behave as a convenience to free rider and coordination will be effective only in so far, purely hypothetical, where there will be convergence of reason of state - or interest - in different countries .

In general, it should be noted that Europe's democratic deficit has serious effects on real possibility in a reasonable time to implement a fiscal policy aimed at dealing with situations characterized by immediate and emergency needs, including support for competitiveness and development and enforcement of economic and financial crises. Especially after the last enlargement to 27 states, is an anachronism that remains the rule of unanimity on tax matters. Ten years ago, fearing the consequences, the Commission proposed the introduction of qualified majority voting at least for matters concerning the welfare and the tax authorities that they had a clear impact on the single market, but the proposal was not accepted nor is which is again under consideration.
For this reason, the European directives in the tax take longer gestation which greatly diminish its effectiveness. Just think, only a few examples, the Directive on taxation of savings income (intended to harmonize the tax system and fight the large transnational tax evasion), which was incorporated in the "Monti Package" of 1996 launched only in 2003, contains a number of changes that have weakened the scope, because the compromise imposed by a small minority of states that had opposed, seeing their national interests threatened. Yet the same mountains, in years gone by, had warned against the insidious social effects of competition between states, dedicated to attract capital by offering tax-competitive conditions: the remuneration of work, especially less than qualified, would have reached unacceptable levels. And she thinks of the Commission proposal to introduce a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (the so-called CCCTB, aimed at creating a simple and uniform system of taxation of companies operating in Europe), which dates back to 2001 and is still being investigation in an attempt to find a solution acceptable to all national governments.

Pending the full implementation of a federal Europe, which would solve this too in the root of problems, Italy should promote a change in the voting system standards (whether direct or regulations) to contain tax , supporting the need to introduce mechanisms based on majority rule, qualified by reference to the number of nationals of each Member State, which are as close as possible to the principle "one man - one vote", ensuring at least tend to respect the fundamental principle of consent to the tax ("no taxation without representation"), a pillar of any democracy worthy of the name. Equally essential is

undertake a reassessment of the proposal monnettiana Agency for the management of a common energy policy, that the initiatives taken by Spinelli, commissioner of the '70 and '75, in terms of technology and research, Promoting a European airline, to create a common environment and common legislation in the fields of: business (unique model of European firm, euro-corporation), occupational safety, standard manufacturing towns). Overall, it was noted that approximately 60% of the proposed Spinelli has already been adopted at the EU, confirming the foresight and vision of the Federalist leaders, who long since should have been doing their own.

It is abundantly clear, in our opinion, it is necessary to move forward as quickly as possible towards a federal form of development and management of major EU policies, not even at the cost of creating a core few countries willing to forge ahead, starting from the reality of the Eurogroup.

In this context, an action carried out by Italy, even to give Europe a greater voice in the international field, should be intensified with sensitivity, consistent guidelines and ongoing dialogue with members of the Union, ensuring a mediating role and pulse.

Among the major objectives in this context a political force, provided with a wealth of ideas and a great charge, is called to pursue are alike: the solution of the Palestine question through the guarantee of the EU, the ' organization of a Euro-Mediterranean area in which to place, acting at the EU level, the Council Europe, NATO, UN, including relations with Russia and Turkey, the construction of a common foreign and security of the EU, including in it the theme of the European army and the presence of the EU as such, to ' Internal international organizations, the fight against hunger in the world and take off in the underdeveloped areas, the protection of ecological balance; space exploration.

As for internal reforms to our country and the method by which to implement them, they will be accompanied by a preventive, systematic comparison with the provisions of the relevant EU countries, which unite us, as we have said, the money, the single market, EU legislation, the common institutional framework, etc. Apart from this context is to miss the references necessary for effective legislative action, even if it were marked by dissent, aware at this point, but still subject to common law, respect for partners.

In general, said a little 'joke, there is a well-founded impression - reinforced by recent economic data and warnings from itself debatable Bank of Italy - that the Europeans, wishing to avoid becoming too German, however, must resign themselves to become more German than they are now. Namely, over the shock, which is essential to make a careful assessment of the criteria that have allowed the country's largest Europe is great in terms of population and economic, to deal more successfully than others the difficulties of recent years at both the production and on that capital. The goal should be to incorporate these criteria even if critically, inspired by the social market economy, both at EU and national level. At the same time is worth it to stay alert to the temptations of the "beggar-thy-neighbor", to be found in certain industrial or trade union in respect of certain political and cultural solipsism of the Federal Republic to the rest of Europe. A task, in other words, it requires an extreme capacity for reflection, mediation and intervention.

In this context, it also appears recommended together with its partners the degree of optimal balance between public intervention in various capacities, both within states, both the Union and taken private. It is said that the mere liberalization, which are often not implemented by other Member States internally, is the only means of dynamization of society and economy, as well as employment protection and labor. Much can be expected from investment programs sponsored by the EU itself in strategic sectors, albeit in a context of competition between firms, or from a real industrial policy, always desired but never established.

At the same time due attention should be paid also to another aspect incorporation of community building: that of ensuring a balanced development of the whole Union, and avoid monopolistic situations and even over-concentration of production in each area. By way of example and inspiration of all useful reflection to be discussed at both the industrial union: while France and Germany have in fact kept alive their own car companies, our country has had to give it up if not, at least merge with a large U.S. group (evolution, the latter confirming that the bands of Italian society with the U.S., but deserving of significant insights both internally and EU, both on the US-EU relationship). Well, you can imagine a development that does not erase the specific national or individual areas, keeping in balance acceptable reasons of competition and aspirations to the continuity of productive potential?

A question related but not least, is that our major European partners, when they decide, as they have done to increase spending on education and research in a time of crisis, are expected to come out with a quid of advantage over others in time of shooting, which means, realistically, that around these themes are played important national interests, not sufficiently considered in their relevance, and that should be addressed especially with a higher degree of integration, but also accountability inside. It is evident, inter alia, research centers and private companies and major individual impoverishes society of knowledge, opportunities for young people and even motivation to adopt an appropriate level of vocational education and university.

Among the objectives of the Democratic Party should also include a major national effort to reduce the public debt (which in itself reduces the potential of a few percent shooting), to be implemented mainly through a detailed, methodical rationalization and moralization efficientizzazione state of the machine so that production and services in general, motivating and empowering the entire social body, rather than simply directs accounting, often prone to complicated disbursement procedures and control equipment.

step further, with regard to "deal with the Europeans," to be solicited for a European regulation, which is still not exist, at the end of the prosecution of organized crime, drawing on experiences gained by the judiciary and by the Italian legislation in the fight against mafia, on the other hand, Italy should incorporate at least, something that has not already done so, the European regulations for the confiscation of the goods exported abroad by criminal organizations, as recently reported Commissioner Reding, for another, would be desirable to provide partners with a deep reconnaissance the Italian case and the identification of instruments, including type of supranational, for the prosecution of such phenomena, which involve problems with simple legal significance, but also, presumably, the intelligence by the security services of each country (nothing there would be bad to set a figure of European mafia controller). In the "pact with the Europeans," which would in fact have a greater investment in our country, will also no commitments such as payment of bills in time for the containment of the underground economy and tax evasion, for control the export of capital, etc..

Other issues, from health to security social pension system, the education and training must be addressed through a clear European vision.

Dear Secretary,

in the end our appeal, we stress that the current shortage of European-wide initiatives by leaders of the major EU countries require a surplus of commitment on the part of our Democratic Party and in particular, which, albeit on a symbolic level, which is never negligible, would do well to include in their signs, when national dish, at least a graphic allusion to the colors of the European Union.

As for Spinelli, recent developments in the European Parliament tracing the development of collections and proposals policies that are directly inspired by his message and his example. That is to say the least desirable for the Democratic Party, instead of being bypassed, would gather with great emphasis on the legacy of the ancient border of antifascist Ventotene: in this way would become the first great Italian party, the Union and, presumably, to make objective Federation of European democratic its founding factor. A goal profoundly innovative and epoch-making at the same time rooting for his long period in the history of popular movements and offer the prospect of a decisive improvement of human civilization.

while remaining deeply convinced that the European project in Italy, profoundly empowering, contribute decisively to confront the dangers of separatism and fragmentation of the connective tissue of the country caused by the selfish, troubled and blindly inverted conflicts of individual interests and personal power that characterized these years to forget.

Monday, May 10, 2010

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For a true European federal

Agenda approved unanimously by City Council May 7, 2010 Lanuvio

Subject: need for a truly European Union Federal for the realization of peace, freedom, social justice and a system of ecologically sustainable an increasingly interdependent world. The contribution of the local to the completion of the first supranational democracy.
- May 9, 2010 that recur 60 years after the Schuman Declaration, which France and Germany gave birth to an initiative open to all but determined to overcome the inability of the Council of Europe and to start building institutions independent European and supranational
- the explicit goal contained in the Declaration, namely the creation of a fully Federation of European Union Member States, has not yet been reached and remains more than ever;
- that the conclusion the process of treaty reform, the difficult ratification and entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon from the 27 Member States, coincided with a deep financial crisis economic and global reach, which is highlighting the structural deficiencies of the European Union;
City Council, the Mayor and the Board agrees to:
- be the bearer of this OdG and content linked to it by the Italian government, so that Italy will face the promoter at the forefront of efforts to overcome the difficulties which have hitherto prevented from intergovernmental realize the only effective and democratic European issues: the establishment of the European Union on the basis genuinely federal
- be the bearer of this OdG at the MEPs elected in the district belongs to the City;
- sponsor all the initiatives of educational, cultural political and that they have specific object to the proposal to create (at least) a core of real Federal Union of European countries, starting with those states that share, in addition to the same founding values, the same coin.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

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On the 60th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration

Next May 9 marks the 60th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, which gave birth to the European Community. From then on May 9, 1950 has been made by leaps and bounds, until the Euro, but in fact, to date, the European Community has not yet reached the goal of founding a true Federation, which imprints a Common Foreign and Security and defense only, guaranteeing the savings of public resources and increase efficiency for the European members.

To emphasize the importance of this issue to the suggestion of European policies Nicola Forlani, the city of Lanuvio proceeded to organize a City Council, open to the public, on Friday, May 7 at 16:30.

The intent of the meeting, in collaboration with the "European Federalist Movement" of Campoleone and with the sponsorship of the "European Commission Representation in Italy", is to become the Executive Lanuvina bearer of the issue at the Italian Government and MEPs elected Lanuvio in the constituency to which he belongs, so that our peninsula is made at the forefront of promoting initiatives for the establishment of a European Union based on federal bases authentically.

The agenda proposed by Forlani has been welcomed by the mayor, Umberto Leoni, and the President of City Council, Ilaria Signoriello, "because - they said - European citizenship should be built from its citizens, bringing the debate among the people. "

"The crisis is coming down on weak euro-zone countries, Greece in the lead, could undermine - said the Deputy Mayor Forlani - the very foundations European Union. The founding member states, Germany, France and Italy first, then have the historical responsibility - he concluded - to establish, as soon as possible, a core group of federal state, no ifs, ands or buts. " Hence the importance of this City Council, which will be a discussion during which students will be involved also in the town.

During the afternoon it will be presented four short works produced by students of elementary and middle schools and Lanuvio Campoleone on the theme "Building the European Union to ..." in order to present their ideas for a strong Europe and solidarity.

To enrich the debate will be the intervention of Professor of International Law of "La Sapienza" of Rome, Carlo Curti Gialdino, which will give a lecture on the "Schuman Declaration" and the future of Europe. You will then open a dialogue with the council and citizens present in the conclusion of the work, the City Council will present the Agenda and will proceed to its approval.

Monica Roccaforte Wikipedia

Convocation to the European Federation of City Council Lanuvio

JOINT Lanuvio

With the support of the European Commission Representation in Italy

Call the Town Council
open to the public on the occasion of the 60th ANNIVERSARY OF THE Schuman Declaration

The prime minister announces that Friday, May 7, 2010, at 16.30 in Piazza Victims of Brescia (in case of bad weather at the Multipurpose Center Lanuvio elderly), the City Council will meet in with the following extraordinary



The meeting will be enriched by the advice reflections of the school children and Lanuvio Campoleone and a short lecture by prof. Carlo Curti Gialdino (Professor, Chair of International Law Faculty of Political Sciences of "La Sapienza" of Rome and president of the local section of the European Federalist Movement of Campoleone) on the Schuman Declaration and the future of Europe.

If a quorum is not reached the second call will take place on Saturday, May 8, 2010 at 16.30.

ILARIA Signoriello

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

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