Monday, May 10, 2010

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For a true European federal

Agenda approved unanimously by City Council May 7, 2010 Lanuvio

Subject: need for a truly European Union Federal for the realization of peace, freedom, social justice and a system of ecologically sustainable an increasingly interdependent world. The contribution of the local to the completion of the first supranational democracy.
- May 9, 2010 that recur 60 years after the Schuman Declaration, which France and Germany gave birth to an initiative open to all but determined to overcome the inability of the Council of Europe and to start building institutions independent European and supranational
- the explicit goal contained in the Declaration, namely the creation of a fully Federation of European Union Member States, has not yet been reached and remains more than ever;
- that the conclusion the process of treaty reform, the difficult ratification and entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon from the 27 Member States, coincided with a deep financial crisis economic and global reach, which is highlighting the structural deficiencies of the European Union;
City Council, the Mayor and the Board agrees to:
- be the bearer of this OdG and content linked to it by the Italian government, so that Italy will face the promoter at the forefront of efforts to overcome the difficulties which have hitherto prevented from intergovernmental realize the only effective and democratic European issues: the establishment of the European Union on the basis genuinely federal
- be the bearer of this OdG at the MEPs elected in the district belongs to the City;
- sponsor all the initiatives of educational, cultural political and that they have specific object to the proposal to create (at least) a core of real Federal Union of European countries, starting with those states that share, in addition to the same founding values, the same coin.


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